Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Hawaiian Fish Tacos

Anyone still celebrate Taco Tuesday? Here’s a new recipe to add to your routine. Change out your beef tacos for these Hawaiian Fish Tacos, which are nutritious and delicious!

Is it possible for a fish to replace traditional greasy beef? I think so! It’s amazing the change you will feel when you start swapping out processed, unhealthy foods and replace them with whole foods. It doesn’t happen with one meal but can with as little as a week of change in eating habits. I noticed clearness of mind, less bloat and more energy with in the first two weeks of clean eating. It’s not impossible or out of your budget!

These tacos are easy and bursting with healthy toppings - avocado (full of healthy fat), pineapple, red onion and cilantro are all “au naturale" so no need to count the calories or carbs on those. Your body digests them without any harm. The wheat wraps are also key to keeping this recipe healthy. Anytime you switch to wheat you are doing your body a favor, avoiding processed and nutrient stripped white bread. Small steps!

For fish, I prefer Tilapia for a taco, but others will work too. White fish are usually best.
Lightly cover with balsamic sauce before baking.
Be careful not to drip much sauce on the pan or it will burn.

Chipotle mayo may be my new friend! I swore off mayo for a while. Hampton Creek’s “Just Mayo” line has taken me back to my old ways. They have a variety of Mayo flavors. You can read all the ingredients on the list and there are no artificial colors or flavors. Give them a tray (sold at Giant). The Chipolte tops this dish with the perfect amount of smoky spice. 

Price: 2 out of 4 on my price scale. The biggest cost is fish on this one. I bought this Tilapia from Giant for $5.99 per pound. Aldi caries fish in the frozen section, to save some $$. If you go for fresh caught instead of farmed (which they say is better) then you will be spending more.  Wheat wraps from Trader Joe's are $2.79 for an 8 pack. Giant’s Natures Promise brand are $2.49 per pack. Let’s be real, a loaf of white bread easily costs $3, so there’s no over-budgeting by buying wheat.  You can use any leftover tortillas for sandwiches.

Side note, I’ve been playing around with my camera a lot more and finally using manual settings! I feel like I may finally be growing up, and using natural light too! Oh boy! Now that the sun is out a bit longer I’ve been trying to take advantage. Unfortunately the sun went down half way through the cooking of this recipe. That’s what I get for having a day job! None the less I’m seeing a big difference (finally!) in my photography (when using natural light). Hopefully you readers see it too!

Hawaiian Fish Taco Recipe
Serves 2 (4-5 soft tacos)

1 lb Tilapia or fish of choice
4 -6 Wheat Wraps/Tortillas
 1 Avocado, chopped
10 oz Pineapple chunks or crushed
1 small red onion, chopped (or half of a large red onion)
Cilantro to taste
Chipotle Mayo to taste 

Sauce/ Marinade:
2 Tbsp. EVOO
1 Tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar
1 Tbsp. Honey
¼ lime, juice or 2 teaspoons

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. Make marinade in a small bowl by combining EVOO, balsamic vinegar, honey and lime juice. Stir until mixed. Grease a baking sheet and place fish on the sheet. Sprinkle a small amount of marinade onto fish, about 1 teaspoon per cut of fish. Try not to let spill onto pan or it will burn. Place in oven and cook for 25 – 30 minutes. While waiting, chop toppings, avocado, pineapple (if using chunks, cut into halves or smaller), red onion, and pick cilantro off of stems.

When fish is done cooking, shred into small pieces.  Plate tortillas and top with fish, avocado, pineapple, red onion. Cilantro and Chipolte Mayo to taste. Roll up and serve. 

Nutrition Facts: I recently started posting nutrition facts for recipes. I don't count calories  but I know some people do. Whole foods are naturally processed by your body and not turned into fat, therefore the calories in an avocado or pineapple don't matter to me. There are also healthy monounsaturated fat in this recipe, that are good for your body. Don't let numbers scare you when eating whole foods. :)

1 comment :

  1. I must say, i have't seen such an innovative way to share the recipe for a long time. Easily clear what to do and how to make. Liked the way of sharing of the recipe just like the one more hawaiian seafood recipes, which also explain the recipe beautifully.
